The world payed too little attention to the barbarous invasion of Tigray a little over a year ago. Even though much of the world claims piety to faiths which preach doing good for others over harm somehow this did not apply to a poor African region which was not strategically significant. The complete failure of the African Union, United Nations, NATO alliance, and the G7 industrialized nations to speak up contributed to willful inaction. This was further reinforced by the propaganda machines in Ethiopia which connected to their allies abroad saying any accusations of atrocity in a “law enforcement operation” were false.
Today already hundreds maybe thousands are dead in Ukraine from Russian military strikes from a “law enforcement operation”. Last night the Russian government all but laughed at the United Nations emergency Security Council meeting calling for an end of the Ukraine invasion. They have already set a precedent in Myanmar, Rwanda, and Tigray that impotent discussion of tragedy is a sufficient response to mass violence and genocidal intent. Now another country, Ukraine, and its millions of innocent women and children will pay the price.
When will the world learn?