During the plague of misery and abuse suffered by Tigray this year there has emerged a hero, a symbol of the persistent courage even in the face of overwhelming inhumanity to the Tegaru (the people of the Tigray regional state). In the midst of this unholy chaos a very young school girl who has come to be recognized as “Baby Donut” has reaffirmed the cultural character that defines Tigray.
She was outside of her school which was ransacked and taken by the invading armies when she was questioned by the enemy soldiers. She boldly asks them in a defiant manner why did they destroy her school. Why are they here in Tigray? They should leave and have done bad things. It should be remembered that this same group of soldiers had already committed terrible acts and this behavior put the young girl in real danger. The following video is a partial record of this encounter.
During the occupation of Mekelle and most of Tigray from November 2020 through the liberation of Mekelle in July 2021 horrible things were done to the people and civil institutions of Tigray. Ethiopian National Defense Force, Eritrean Army, and Amhara militias ransacked businesses, killed military age men down to newborns, raped and mutilated tens of thousands of women some as young as age 4. Such horrors are still going on in Western Tigray.
Now that at least Mekelle has been liberated President Debretsion Gebremichael (not pictured here) and advisor Getachew Reda welcome the visit of Baby Donut.