Mesfin Tegenu, chairman of the American Ethiopian Public Affairs Committee is reported by AP News to say that Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, is wanting to discuss peace with Tigray which will preserve the Ethiopian state. This has not been confirmed by Tigray sources, the United States State Department, or even the Ethiopian government.
I previously noted that Ethiopia is in a classic Catch-22. This occurs in the face of the Tigray Defense Force gains in reclaiming Western Tigray as well as holding off attacks by Amhara militia, Afar forces, and the Eritrean military. Meanwhile the Ethiopian economy continues a downward spiral to complete ruin with rising food prices and a debt service that is unpayable for loans in excess of $60 billion. Also the growing Oromo forces against Abiy Ahmed now control half of the Oromo state and nothing has been heard from them about this new development.