A day after Ethiopian Orthodox Christmas could there be developments pointing to a possible negotiation for peace in Ethiopia?
This week the world press has been flooded with images and stories of children starving or victimized by drone strikes. Abiy Ahmed has released a few Tigray and Oromo leaders held in jail. A “nomore” rally in Addis Ababa originally planned for today has been cancelled. The Tigray Defense Force has gone into mostly defensive mode with the exception of moving into Western Tigray. Ethiopia’s debts will top $60 billion this year. Starvation continues to climb in Tigray. For now it appears Tigray will not take over Ethiopia nor will Ethiopia capture Tigray.
Walt Whitman, famous American poet who also served as a journalist and volunteer nurse in war casualty hospitals, in his writings of the American Civil war documented the stages of public attitude toward war as it progresses. At first there are parades and patriotic talk, then as more die and increasing resources are used up a call to find strength for sacrifice, and finally comes a time when the mounting suffering causes all parties to seek an end.
From his book, Drum Taps
Title: Over the carnage rose a prophetic voice
Over the carnage rose prophetic a voice,
Be not dishearten’d, affection shall solve the problems of freedom
Those who love each other shall become invincible,
They shall yet make Columbia victorious.
Sons of the Mother of All, you shall yet be victorious,
You shall yet laugh to scorn the attacks of all the remainder of the
Has Ethiopia reached the state yet when the yearning for peace becomes overwhelming?