USA naively delays calling Tigray Genocide while Britain moves forward

Many Ethiopian Defense Force and Eritrean soldiers recorded civilian killings on their cell phones as trophies during the Ethiopia Tigray conflict Source TGHAT

One can easily match exactly the nature of atrocities occurring in Ukraine by Russian forces to those that have taken place against the Tigray and are still happening in Western Tigray and other areas of Ethiopia.  Why is there a delay in recognition of what to most observers is patently obvious? With Tigray civilian deaths authoritatively estimated to be at least 500,000 the loss of human life in Tigray is much greater then Ukraine so far.

Both United States President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken have declared that Russia committed outrageous war crimes on Ukraine by attacking residential dwellings, schools, hospitals, markets, and other civilian targets. Additionally he noted the detention, rape, and arbitrary killing of civilians by Russian forces often as they retreated from oncoming Ukrainian advances. This list of infractions against civilians matches exactly to what the Tigray have suffered from Ethiopia and Eritrea.

From the very beginning of the Ethiopian and Eritrean war against Tigray a hallmark of their actions have been directed to civilians. Fleeing civilians where shot in the back as the forces approached Mekelle. At least 120,000 Tigrayan women were raped and mutilated by soldiers who told them this was an official part of intended action to Tigray including spreading HIV infection. Numerous international highly respected organizations including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch documented these violations.  Farms, homes, businesses, factories, schools, and health care facilities have been destroyed. Tens of thousands of Tigrayans are presumed dead killed for nothing else but being Tigrayan. Even the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights complained to Ethiopia that indiscriminate bombing of civilians was wrong and should be stopped. They are currently awaiting reports from “specialists” to make further determinations.

Yesterday the British Parliament openly discussed the issue of Ethiopian and Eritrean genocide against the civilian population of Tigray. Without opposition the clear terms of war crimes and genocide were used to describe actions of Ethiopia and Eritrea.  This included the use of famine and blockade of humanitarian supplies as a weapon of war.

Although the United States expelled Ethiopia from the African Growth and Opportunity Act because of human rights violations by Ethiopia the United States has delayed officially calling Ethiopia and Eritrea actions “genocide”. Most analysts speculate that this delay is being used as a bargaining tool to persuade Ethiopia to cooperate with a cease fire and unfettered humanitarian access to famine stricken Tigray. Meanwhile Ethiopia has only allowed one convoy of 20 trucks has come while the need for over 100 trucks a day is necessary to minimally relieve the famine. The likelihood that the call to truce was only a temporary ploy while Ethiopia and Eritrea mobilize forces for new attacks on Tigray has been hypothesized by many analysts. The lack of further convoys support this idea.

Although it is important the United Nations international investigation be carried out there is no justification at this point for the United States to delay further what is clearly inevitable in urgently declaring Tigray genocide. Every human life matters.


Vile personal attacks on Tigray women advocates for human rights do not obscure truth

A well known Tigrayan advocate for women’s rights and protection has not been deterred by efforts to demean her by the Ethiopian propaganda machine.  The dehumanization of the people of Tigray has been a constant theme of Ethiopia and Eritrea to justify atrocities carried out intentionally.

Ethiopian and Eritrean supporters are now resorting to personal attacks laced with lies in a vile and vain attempt to defend the indefensible.  In the wake of a majority of United Nations members nations mandating international investigation of human right violations in Tigray a new round of ad hominem attacks on the womanhood, intelligence, and morality of accomplished highly educated Tigrayan women who have spoken up for protecting human rights is their latest desperate Ethiopian attempt to obscure reality. Ethiopian leadership who claim to be pious Christians seem to have discarded the Commandment given by God through Moses that “thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour“.

Although the protagonists of this effort have internalized this concept of the complete dehumanization of Tigray to justify their murder by drones, violation, and deprivation their attempt to propagate it to the rest of the world is failing more and more each day. This degrading of the humanity of Tigrayans has in the twisted mentality of Ethiopia and Eritrea been a justification for egregious human rights violations including weaponization of starvation, military ordered rape, destruction of property and livelihoods, detention, and isolation.

Since the beginning of the Ethiopian Tigray conflict supporters of Abiy Ahmed and Isaias Afwerki have incessantly, loudly, and nefariously degraded the humanity of the people of Tigray.  Within the first few days of the invasion of Eritrean and Ethiopian forces into Tigray they called Tigrayans “hyenas” who should be eradicated. Soon after Ethiopian Protestant and Orthodox clergy supported the concept of a Christian fatwa against Tigray. They proclaimed Tigray mothers wombs were possessed by Satan. A prominent Abiy Ahmed “intellectual” supporter on social media was emphatic that Tigray children are destined to be evil and should be killed at birth. Within a few days we learned that Ethiopian and Eritrean soldiers were told by their commanders to kill male children under age four. The ranks of the invading army into Tigray purposefully included HIV infected soldiers to spread the disease in their violation of women. 

In fact a recent video of the ENDF shows a commander discussing the live burial of a five year old Tigrayan child. The Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed himself referred to Tigrayans as weeds that need to be cut out and his Social Minister, a so-called Deacon, called for  the complete elimination of Tigray from the planet as well as any history of their existence.

When Mekelle was under the Ethiopian Tigray Interim Administration the local military commander admitted to Ethiopian news media that there had been rapes committed in the city. The Minister of Women, Children, and Youth, Filsan Abdi, went to Mekelle along with a prosecutor and determined that there was significant evidence of mass violations against women by invading forces. The response to this evidence from Abiy Ahmed supporters was to release mocking videos by Amhara women that the Tigrayan women were lying and probably wanted sex with the soldiers. In the end Filsan Abdi felt she had to resign when the Ethiopian Federal government refused to foll0w up on the reports of human rights violations.

More recently a video of the burning of Tigrayans alive purportedly for the purpose of cannibalism was proudly posted on social media. Just within the past 24 hours numerous photographs have similarly been posted on social media showing Eritrean and Ethiopian soldiers digging up mass graves of Tigrayans in Western Tigray to be secretly relocated or destroyed. This occurs in the region where there has been irrefutable documentation of extrajudicial killing of Tigray whose bodies were thrown into the Tekeze River.



Ethiopia’s medical blockade of Tigray threatens epidemics to Horn of Africa

Ethiopian MOH boasts about progress in TB prevention and control but denies it to Tigray which could lead to increasing cases in Ethiopia, Sudan, and Eritrea

The medical blockade of Ethiopia on Tigray prevents diagnosis and treatment of disabling , deadly, and contagious infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV-AIDs, and many others endangering not only Tigray but also neighboring Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Sudan. Almost since the beginning of the conflict in late 2020 over 43,000 HIV patients and 1500 active tuberculosis patients have gone without treatment. Before the war 164 TB cases per 100,000 population was the prevalence. Now without health care and food this no doubt has skyrocketed.

This week the Ethiopian Ministry of Health touted their treatment and prevention programs for tuberculosis while ceasing all completely in Tigray along with all other health services. Only a small portion of medications comes irregularly from the World Health Organization from the small airplane loads allowed.

Currently at least 83% of the Tigray population is facing significant food shortages which can ultimately lead to death but initially surely leads to decrease immunity to infection from chronic parasitic, bacterial, and viral infections such as TB and HIV. Very few immunizations against viral diseases commonly done in childhood and COVID19 have occurred. Because of drought, war, and poor agricultural planning crop production is now significantly reduced in not only Tigray but also Amhara, Oromo, and the Southern regions (SNNP). The displacement of millions of poor farmers and laborers now occurring carries a catastrophic risk for dramatic rises in prevalence of these infections into the Horn of Africa and beyond.

It is in Ethiopia’s best interest to restore prevention and control measures and health care treatment facilities to Tigray to substantially stop the development of epidemic disease outbreaks.

Confusing democracy and demagoguery lead to the Tigray and Ukraine crisis

Adolph Hitler and his NAZI party won widespread popular support in Germany Source The Times

Abiy Ahmed and Vladimir Putin demonstrate the difference between immoral demagoguery and moral democracy.  Many times over the past year supporters of the Russian as well as the Ethiopian government’s trampling of human rights and acts of violence against civilians justify these acts because the leaders prosecuting these actions are popular. Some would put this simply by saying “might makes right”. The Greek philosopher, Thrasymachus, in the fifth century BC believed that social norms were artificial. Later Greeks including Socrates believed that society could not function without having guiding principles which guide civilized men and their governments. The Abrahamic faiths recognize the Ten Commandments as basic rules God gave man as a guide to how to live with others.

African slavery was allowed in the United States by popularly elected leaders for many years. Hitler and his NAZI movement was elected to power in Germany by popular vote yet killed millions. Even if Abiy Ahmed was “democratically elected” this did not give him license to govern immorally. This confusion that the sovereignty of popular demagogues should be protected at all costs to protect democracy is a blasphemy to universal values of equality and fair treatment of all mankind. Allowing such leaders as Abiy Ahmed and Vladimir Putin to escape normal social constraints has lead to the chaos and death we are seeing today.

Ethiopia and Russia share belief technology is for killing not saving lives

Photograph of cluster munition dropped on Samre in Tigray in Februrary 2021. Cluster munitions are outlawed by international treaty.  Source NY TImes

God gave man the gift of a mind capable of developing technology which can take life or save it. He has free will in how to use this gift. At this moment the world seems to me divided into two major factions. A group who values human life versus those that value the power of the state over human life. This week I had a life saving operation done with high tech robotic technology by a highly trained surgeon while in other parts of the world government leaders are using technology to kill hundreds of innocent civilians at a time. The Western democracies spend 100x or more per capita for medical care versus countries like Russia and Ethiopia who value spending more for munitions then medicine. 

I was a witness to the invasion of Tigray by Ethiopian and Eritrean forces in November 2020.  During this war outlawed cluster bombs and artillery rounds have been used by Eritrea and Ethiopia killing thousands of civilians. This was reported to diplomatic authorities by myself in January 2021 and noted by the New York Times with photographic records of the munition. Subsequently Ethiopia doubled its foreign debt to over $65 billion by buying drone weapons.  Now in addition to the Tigray deaths from drone attacks, thousands of civilian Ukrainians have been killed by cluster weapons and other high tech weapons.

While the democracies of the world voted overwhelmingly against the Russian invasion in the United Nations General Assembly North Korea, Syria, Belarus, and Eritrea opposed it. In a move clearly cowardly in nature, Ethiopia abstained while issuing a statement that it did want the situation in Ukraine to further exacerbate. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s statement about the severe consequences of the civil war in Ethiopia which he planned, prosecuted, and prolongs that the civil war “has shown the devastating consequence that war inflicts upon families, communities, livelihoods and the economy at large” is grossly hypocritical. 

Russia is now depriving Ukrainians of heat, water, electricity, and communication just as Ethiopia its sworn military ally has withheld food and medical supplies for year to Tigray. 

A Lenten season reflection about the Tigray and Ukraine conflicts

The capital city of Tigray, Mekelle, suffered over 24 hours of continuous artillery barrage against civilians in November 2020 Source EritreaHub

Ethiopia and Russia have long histories of Christian monasticism, scholarship, and devotion with magnificent cathedrals to worship Christ. Millions claim allegiance to Christ. The Bible story of Christ resisting the temptations of evil represented by Satan in the desert is routinely taught to children as exemplary conduct to be emulated. Yet here we are over 2000 years later with powerful country leaders, self identified as Christians in both countries, openly defying Christ’s teachings of love and peace instead giving in to evil actions of war including deprivation, violation, and murder for the sake of acquiring the power to rule over others. Its no accident that in the Old Testament God gave a clear and stern warning about how power can corrupt mortal men who become kings.

For over a year the Tigray and the Oromo of Ethiopia have been the targets of conflict and deprivation and now Ukraine similarly has been assaulted by Russia. The world has paid little attention to the African conflict while seemed fully engrossed in the Ukraine war. The Gospel of Matthew recites how Christ suffering isolation and hunger in the desert for 40 days as a man devoid of his Godly power resisted Satan’s offer of food when when he was starving, of proving God would intercede if he jumped off a cliff, and finally being given a throne to rule the world with absolute power if he subjugated himself to the Devil. Jesus wanted humankind to be make a free choice to follow his example.

However it is not only the leaders who are at fault. For Jesus also tells us that we cannot be idle witnesses to inhumanity. Watching others suffer whom we could help is the antithesis of Christianity. There is controversy about when or even whether war against others is justifiable but there is no controversy about actively preventing it and not empowering leaders who use it as a weapon of subjugation, revenge, or intimidation. I pray the world will take time to reflect on what it means to be a Christian and seek relief for the millions now at risk in Ukraine and Tigray.


The United Nations is now impotent to resolve conflict in Europe or Africa

The United Nations Security Council meet on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Friday Feb. 25, 2022 at U.N. headquarters. (AP Photo/John Minchillo) Source NPR. Russia vetoed any action by the United Nations. Previously any action regarding the Ethiopian invasion of Tigray with documented atrocities was stopped by Russia and China.

The absolute inability of the United Nations, African Union, and other international collaborations to solve issues aggravating against global peace is now undeniable.  The events of the past year have been the culmination of a process going on for years where the countries of Myanmar, Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and now Russia have decided that might not reason will determine the outcomes of disagreements.  The United Nations appears to be following the same course as its predecessor the League of Nations which failed to prevent World War II.

As regards the Ethiopia and Eritrean war on Tigray this continued deterioration all but predicts that any political dialogue mediated by the African Union or United Nations will not happen. Abiy Ahmed is living in his personal fantasy of grandeur and influence while increasingly being transformed into the nightmare of a pawn of Eritrea’s Isaias Afwerki  and apparatchik for Russia and China. In simpler terms just a puppet on a string. All the while the people of Tigray starve and  Ethiopia becomes poorer by the minute.

Ethiopian diaspora imagining any closer relationship between Ethiopia and the United States while Ethiopia is actively promoting the military alliance with Russia are not in touch with evolving global realities. Many are expecting that Russia will use Eritrea and Ethiopia as bases to project power over the Red Sea to confront NATO presence.

Ukraine news reports of air attacks brings flashbacks of Mekelle bombings

Ethiopian jet attacks killed civilians in the city of Mekelle in November 2020 Source: Eritrean Press

Seeing the television news of air attacks on Ukraine brought back flashbacks in my mind of Mekelle under air attack from Ethiopia . Unfortunately this war has been intentionally hidden from the world by intention of Abiy Ahmed and Isaias Afwerki to conceal their evil intent upon the Tegaru and Irob people of Tigray. Although my experiences were small compared to those of many Tigrayans I will never forget them and they haunt me everyday.

I remember being in Ayder Hospital in the first days after the conflict started in November 2020 when we heard a jet overhead. A girl in the Surgery office began to scream relentlessly. She was instantly paralyzed with fear. Many ran out into the street to see. The jet moved to the North where we later learned it bombed the Business School campus of Mekelle University killing and injuring students at the cafeteria having lunch. Of course the Ethiopian government denied that it happened and that they only targeted military installations.

A short time later jets attacked the area around the airport known as Quiha, one of the oldest areas of city. One of many civilian victims was a teenage boy had a bomb fragment penetrate his chest and through the heart. He was dead on arrival. The father and mother had both been students at the Ayder Elementary School that was bombed by Eritrean jets on June 5, 1998 just across the street from where Ayder Hospital was built later. Now their son was a vicious reminder of that war and added a new inconsolable sorrow. For the people of Tigray war is a recurring nightmare that will not go away.

The world must learn that allowing violence anywhere begets it everywhere!

The global community ignored the cries of the innocent in Tigray

The world payed too little attention to the barbarous invasion of Tigray a little over a year ago. Even though much of the world claims piety to faiths which preach doing good for others over harm somehow this did not apply to a poor African region which was not strategically significant. The complete failure of the African Union, United Nations, NATO alliance, and the G7 industrialized nations to speak up contributed to willful inaction. This was further reinforced by the propaganda machines in Ethiopia which connected to their allies abroad saying any accusations of atrocity in a “law enforcement operation” were false.

Today already hundreds maybe thousands are dead in Ukraine from Russian military strikes from a “law enforcement operation”. Last night the Russian government all but laughed at the United Nations emergency Security Council meeting calling for an end of the Ukraine invasion. They have already set a precedent in Myanmar, Rwanda, and Tigray that impotent discussion of tragedy is a sufficient response to mass violence and genocidal intent. Now another country, Ukraine, and its millions of innocent women and children will pay the price.
When will the world learn?

International tolerance of the “Year of the Bully” is leading to growing chaos globally

The lack of response by world international bodies to aggressive acts by totalitarian government leaders such as Putin and Ahmed has emboldened their behavior to oppress, deprive, and kill others for selfish benefit.

The impending invasion of Ukraine by the totalitarian Russian regime and Ethiopian invasion of Tigray assisted by Eritrea and the United Arab Emirates are connected. One might characterize the past year of global strife as the “Year of the Bully”.  The Abrahamic faiths jointly believe that man has a covenant with his Creator to follow the concept of love for his brother as the guiding principle of interaction between individuals and nations.

Yet what we have seen over the past year is a growing dangerous indifference to aggression with the intent of domination of one group over another for wealth, power, or revenge. In Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa thousands have died, been abused, or deprived. Millions are displaced and starving. Where there was once a growing economy and a chance to climb out of the caverns of poverty now has been replaced for unpayable war debt and chaos. Similarly in Europe after 75 years of relative peace Russia feeling emboldened by the weakness of the world diplomatic community to selfish aggressive actions of one group over another such as in Ethiopia has decided that war in Ukraine is reasonable.

The Apostle St. Paul discussed the dual nature of man. That he had a dual nature-one beastly driven by concern only for one self and one spiritual committed ideally to peaceful co-existence under guidance from God. These were based upon the Ten Commandments given to the Hebrew Moses. These said peaceful coexistence is the best way for all. Salvation can only come from seeking peace.  The Qur’an discussed the need to have faith and live a moral life. Martin Niemöller was a German Lutheran pastor and theologian who initially supported Hitler’s Nazi movement but then realized the dangers. In the aftermath of World War II his poem describing how dangerous it is when we ignore the oppression and suffering of our fellow man.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.